We create an ecosystem of interaction between science, education and culture, help talented and motivated people to achieve their goals.
We open opportunities for everyone who is looking for their own success!
Innovative education project
We research and implement innovative technologies in education, removing barriers to the intersection of diversity and uniqueness, in order to seek qualitatively new results that meet modern needs and challenges
Innovative research project
We develop the concept of crossing ecosystems: scientific, educational and cultural, the strategy of their relationship and innovative results
Innovation management project
We develop the concept of marketing for the company in the context of complex transformation of organizational processes and culture of relations and we test models which are projected in real life
Documentary film Studio project
In the world of modern technical possibilities, we develop models of documentary film studios with new forms of management, which offer project activities to those who want to acquire skills of directing, screenwriting, video recording, sound recording, editing, taking into account their needs and experience
Innovative journalism project
With the rapid development of communication tools on the Internet (social networks, blogs, microblogs, video channels, podcasts), we develop projects of innovative journalism, which controls people's attention and can direct it to innovative activities and form a certain attitude to it
Culture and Art Project
We create favorable social conditions for creative activities to implement innovations in the field of culture and art. We are studying new forms of interaction. We invest in people!